Conveyor Maintenance
Promet understands the importance of conveyors to your operation, if the belt stops, production stops. The basis of all our conveyor works is safety, protection and durability of all our products. We bring together technical industry experts with knowledge in products, services, engineering, and operations.
We can deliver and maintain durable conveyor accessories for any mining application as a provider with many years of bulk material handling professional knowledge and onsite viewpoint, giving you efficiency, productivity and sustainability.

Conveyor Maintenance
The onsite conveyor system is a key aspect of daily operations and issues on major equipment is preventative through regular maintenance. Excessive degradation caused by material carry-back, belt mistracking, or excessive contact will affect whether safety and productivity goals are reached. As a result, we prioritise the maintenance to ensure that our conveyor accessories and your conveyor belt have been analysed and tested to ensure that your bulk handling equipment performs and remains effective.

Our technical expertise
Our technical expertise and practical experience will facilitate the achievement of greater effectiveness at a lower cost and in a reduced timeframe. Furthermore, maintaining a high-performing conveyor belt system necessitates the training of site staff in the installation and maintenance of conveyor belt equipment. Our skilled technicians can provide on-site training and support for a wide range of scrapers, trackers, skirting, and impact beds. We make every effort to educate our customers on-site employees on conveyor belt equipment and solutions.
Make contact with our operational specialists with hands-on experience, for onsite training, labour hire requirements and specialised knowledge, we know the importance of ongoing operations and conveyor belt integrity and efficiency to resource operations and would be delighted to discuss your concerns.